Letter from Nicole

When I first had the idea, my goal was to create a space for women to be supported in real life ways.

 The base of BaRRé La Vie was always to make a space that women could connect and share their passions, stories, challenges, and advice – which is so valuable to woman who can relate. As we grow into women and start families, build careers, build homes, it is sometimes difficult to maintain friendships or have a real support system of women that have our back…

At BaRRé La Vie, that network and support system of women is at the core of our company values. I have always said that self-confidence is so underrated and a concept that we do not fully grasp as we get older and life gets so busy, we oftentimes cruise through our days just getting tasks done and trying to keep our lives somewhat in order.

By having a support system, being able to talk in our classes and our monthly events, by taking time every week not only to move and exercise our bodies but do so in a very present and meaningful way… By bringing your children with you to the studio and having them wait for momma instead of the other way around, by changing the way you prioritise yourself in a self-nurturing, unapologetic way… these are all small yet big things that will absolutely build our self-confidence and change the way we balance our inner and outer worlds and ultimately find a sense of peace. Additionally, it is very important to remember that when we are happy and peaceful inside, all the relationships in our lives also benefit from it!

The expansion opportunities and future of BaRRé La Vie is endless and I am super excited to get this going and see where our journey takes us together! See you in the studio beautiful ladies, I look forward to meeting you!